Homemade Apple Sauce & Classic Crunchy Peanut Butter

Anyone who lives in the great Mile High City is lucky enough to have access to the wonderful Empire apples grown and produced by Ela Family Farms, based in Hotchkiss, Colorado.

Empire apples from Ela Family Farms in Hotchkiss, Colorado.

The Colorado apple season generally runs from mid-July/mid-August to late November, with the most popular varities being harvested in September/October.

Here is an excellent way to enjoy the fall/winter season with something warm, comforting, and incredibly simple – homemade apple sauce with Classic Crunchy peanut butter.

Recipe serves about 6 small bowls.  

Empire apples, organic coconut sugar, vietnamese cinnamon for homemade apple sauce.


6.5 pounds organic Empire apples (or any variety you’d like – leave two apples for slicing and serving with crunchy peanut butter)

1 organic lemon

1 cup of filtered water

½ cup – 1 cup organic, unrefined coconut sugar (you can add more if you want more sweetness)

1 ½ teaspoon of Vietnamese cinnamon (or any variety you’d like)

1 pinch sea salt

1 ounce organic butter (about 2 tablespoons)

1 jar Classic Crunchy peanut butter



Blender of some sort

Medium size bowl

Standard cutting/kitchen knife 


  1. Core apples and cut into eighths.

(leaving the peel on gives more flavor, texture, and fiber – keep it whole)

Empire apples and organic lemon sliced for homemade applesauce.

  1. Place apples into a saucepan, pour in water, sea salt, and bring to a boil. Bring heat down to a medium-high after boil begins until apples are soft (about 15 minutes.) Next, squeeze in the juice from the whole lemon.

Empire apples and organic lemon sliced for homemade applesauce.

  1. Stir in ½ cup - ¾ cup coconut sugar until melted (keep some aside in case you want it sweeter after you taste from the blending step.) Turn off heat and let cool for 5 – 10 minutes. Next, stir in Vietnamese cinnamon.
  1. Pour into blender and pulse until all big chunks are incorporated/blended in. Next blend on medium and add in butter until you see a consistent mixture.

Empire apples and organic lemon sliced for homemade applesauce ready for blending.

  1. Dish out your desired portions, dress with sliced apples, and serve with Classic Crunchy peanut butter on the side.

Apple sauce and peanut butter...bam! Simple, delicious, nutritious, and easy to share. If you make this recipe in bulk for you or your family, store covered in the fridge. Warm-up if desired.

Homemade applesauce paired with Classic Crunchy peanut butter from PB Love. A healthy and delicious Colorado snack.

Please comment below if you have any ideas or suggestions! Share your food porn with us and tag @pbloveco on your social media – show us your apple sauce and PB magic.

We wish you the happiest of bellies this fall and winter season!

Thank you for reading.

The PB Love Company

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